Taken from The Lamar News July 2, 1885. “Alabama News. James Bush committed a horrible brutality on a horse belonging to W. C. Kean one day last week. He was plowing corn and the animal kept biting the stalks, so to stop the annoyance he conceived the idea of cutting its tongue just enough to make eating painful. In executing the idea he pulled its tongue out as far as he could and drew his knife across it. The knife happened to be sharper than he thought and cut 4 or 5 inches of the tongue clean off. Bush immediately went to Kean and proposed to buy the horse, offering his crop for it. Kean refused to trade and found out what had been done. Bush afterward gave up his crop to Kean to pay for the injury done to the animal and it is said he has fled the country. Fort Payne Journal.

Local Brevities. The birds revel in the cool clear dawn of the morning. And now the days are growing shorter. Black berries are fine. The buzz of the fly is heard throughout the kitchen.

Commissioners Court 13th of July.

Rev. L. M. Wimberly is having the front of his storehouse nicely painted.

The war between the farmers and General Green still continues.

Next Saturday will be the glorious 4th of July.

Mr. Lee and Miss Anna Metcalfe of Henson’s Springs are in town.

We can furnish you a genuine Remington Sewing Machine for $30.

Money is not laying around loose in this county at this time.

The new postal card will be light pink in color. Two cents will pay the postage on a letter weighing an ounce now.

The acts of the last Legislature are being distributed to those entitled to a copy.

We were pleased to meet our friend Mr. J. L. Miller of Gentry on our streets a few days ago.

Miss Maggie and Master Jonnie Cameron of Starkville, Mississippi are the guests of Dr. & Mrs. W. L. Morton


Apply at this office if you desire a genuine Singer Sewing Machine.

A number of schoolteachers were in town Saturday to meet the educational board.

Mr. J. C. Johnson and Mrs. S. M. Terrell of Beaverton spent Friday and Saturday in town.

The wheat crop is being harvested and the general report is that it is falling somewhat short of expectations.

The reports from the crops in this section continue to be of the most encouraging nature.

Hon. Thos. B. Nesmith and family are off on a visit to Huntsville they will be away two weeks.

We regret to learn that Mrs. T. W. Springfield is quite sick at her son’s in Detroit.

Oat cutting and grass clearing in corn and cotton have been keeping the farmers busy. Our farmers are working steady this year and we hope they will be rewarded.

One dollar will pay for The Lamar News. Professor Swanzy will close his instructions in vocal and instrumental music today. To those desiring to study music, we would advise them to attend his classes. He will continue to teach during the summer at different points in West Alabama and East Mississippi”.

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