Historical Newspapers   Lamar County, Alabama

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The Alabama Department of Archives and History



Volume III Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. Mar. 13, 1878 No. 36


FRANCIS JUSTICE. Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama. Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Alabama. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims.

JNO. D. MCCLUSKEY, Attorney At Law and Solicitors in Chancery – Vernon, Alabama - Will practice in Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration.

GEO. A. RAMSEY, Attorney At Law, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the various courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to Supreme Court and U. S. District Court’s business.

THOS. B. NESMITH – Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.

NESMITH & SANFORD – T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties.

EARNEST & EARNEST. W. R. EARNEST and GEO. S. EARNEST, Attorneys-At-Law and Solicitors in Chancery. Birmingham and Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of this Judicial Circuit.

WILLIAM R. SMITH, Attorney At Law. Tuskaloosa, Ala. Will give prompt attention to all businesses trusted to his care. Will practice in the Federal Courts, at Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile.


DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., A. L. MORTON and M. W. MORTON. Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.

SID. B. SMITH, M. D. Surgeon & Physician. Vernon, Alabama. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity. Office – at Pioneer office.


A Portsmouth man was going East with his wife last week, and the train started off very suddenly while he was talking with his friends. He grabbed hold of a woman, chucked her on the train, jumped after her, and away they went, fifty miles an hour, with his wife shirking and tearing her hair on the platform, and a woman he never saw before going into high pressure hysterics in the car, calling him a monster and yelling "Save Me!" By a terrible mistake he had got hold of the wrong woman, and the conductor, refusing to listen to his explanations, kicked him out of the car, the brakeman chucked him into the ditch, the Sheriff met him before he was half way back to town and put handcuffs on him, and when at last he got home, he saw his business partner holding his wife on his lap and telling her that there were men in the world that loved her much better than her faithless husband ever did. He says the next time he travels he will walk.


Mother, dear, come bathe my forehead,

For I’m growing very weak;

Mother, let one drop of water

Fall upon my burning cheek.

Till my loving little schoolmates

That I never more will play’

Give them all my toys but, Mother,

Put my little shoes away.


I am going away to leave you,

So remember what I say

O, won’t you do it, please, Mother,

Put my little shoes away.

Santa Claus he gave them to me,

With a lot of other things,

And I think he brought an angel

With a pair of golden wings.

Mother, I shall be an angel

‘Fore perhaps another day;

So remember what I tell you, Mother,

Put my little shoes away.

Baby, he will soon be bigger,

Then they will fit his little feet;

He will look so nice and cunning

As he walks about the street.

I am going away to leave you,

Soon I’ll say to all good day;

So remember what I tell you, Mother,

Put my little shoes away.


A small party of gentlemen were at table recently with the jovial captain of one of the steamers running between this port and Liverpool when an Englishman alluding to the late civil war in this country said he had paid the States a number of visits when it cost him some risk to do so. He explained by saying that he had been a blockade runner and became quite merry while showing how he dodged the Federal cruisers off Wilmington, N. C. and slipped in and out to and from that harbor five times during the closing months of the war. While on the sixth trip he was chased ashore, his vessel ruined, and he escaped to terra firma by the aid of a ladder ever his steamer’s bow. "Oh, it was fun!" exclaimed the captain’ "sometimes they planked it into the pretty hot, but they never did me any harm that way. Three rows of cotton bales made a pretty safe armor you know." He then mentioned accidentally that a certain sentinel cutter used to cause him the most trouble, and that he finally determined to run her down to prevent a warning signal to the blockading fleet. "It was a bloody dark night, continued the captain, "and I was slipping out close on shore, when the d—d cutter showed in front of me." After a pause he added, "Well, we went right over her, she didn’t signal anybody that night." "Was your steamer the Kate, Captain", asked a very quiet gentleman at the foot of the table. "Yes," was the surprised reply. "Well, I was in command of that cutter, and you didn’t run me down quite so much as you think you did." A laugh at the captain’s expense followed this, and it was renewed as the quiet man continued. "And I was on the gunboat that chased you ashore. The Kate wasn’t hurt much either, for we got her off, and she is now somewhere about New York." No one was more amused at the turn things had taken than the captain himself, and a philosophical remark some one made about the whirligig of time may bring about was lost in general merriment.


The approaching disappearance of Niagara Falls is announced. A correspondent, professing to write from the Falls, says: "The theory that has for sometime been discussed with regard to the caving in, or wearing away, of Niagara, has this season found new fuel to add to the argument in its favor". Considerable comment has been going the round of the leading papers for a few weeks, with relation to the changed appearance of the Falls from that of last year. The Horse Shoe has evidently given way some 30 feet in that part of the cone where the "green water is seen, so that the horse shoe appearance is metamorphosed to that of a triangular shape. It is thought that about 150 tons of rocks must have falling in on the Horse Shoe alone, and old habitues here are taking landmarks to notice the recession that may take place before another year. The American Fall has evidently given way at points to a considerably extent. There is no doubt but that Niagara Falls is crumbling away and falling back, but the present recession is probably the greatest witnessed by any one generation. The heavy ice fields which pass over in the spring the strong currents and ceaseless wear and tear of time, and the mighty thundering cataract, must inevitably tell heavily upon the rocky crest of the grand old shrine; but of course, its falling away must be so slow as not to be observable to the eye except when from time some the immense boulders give way.


F. J. MOSES Tells How South Carolina Was Counted For Hayes. Tilden’s Majority of 1,000 scratched out by Comptroller Dunn’s pen - John R. Dennis and others offering to swear to the fact – their testimony refused by a committee of Democrats, Friends of Wade Hampton.

In South Carolina the Board of State Canvassers had, ever since 18--, under the Republican regime, full and untrammeled power over the returns of all State and county elections. Under the law which established the tribunal they claimed that in their official action they were entirely independent of and beyond the control of any court in the State, and up to the late campaign, which resulted in Hampton’s election, their claim of unrestricted authority in their official sphere had never been questioned or denied. There is no doubt but that it was the intention of the Radical legislators who framed the law so the world its provisions as to render it extremely doubtful if the orders of any judicial officer could overrule the official acts of South Carolina’s Returning Board. Its members, the Attorney General, Comptroller General, State Treasurer, Secretary of State, and Adjutant and Inspector General claimed for themselves the right to go behind the returns, and to throw out from the court whatever votes the illegality of which was shown by what they considered adequate testimony.

Of course it can readily be seen what a terrible machine this ought be made in the hands of unscrupulous partisans against the rights of those who were politically opposed to them, and often and over had the Democrats of South Carolina cause to denounce the villainy which had framed, and the partisan tools who carried out the infamous provisions of such a law. In many cases where Democratic members of the General Assembly had been elected from counties having a clearly defined and ascertained white majority and were entitled to the seats on prima facie evidence it happened that the Board of State Canvassers deliberately set aside the results of their elections and seated the Radical claimants without the least show of legal right or equitable justice.

So grown into and recognized as an undeviating custom had such action become, that the Democrats of the State became utterly disheartened and discouraged, and very often they failed even to go to the expense of engaging counsel to contest for the seats to which they had been legally and fairly elected. They supposed that it would be utterly useless to appeal to the courts for protection, as all of the Supreme and Circuit Judges were deeply dyed in Radicals and on occasions had proved themselves utterly unable to administer justice when it sustained the rights and liberated of Democrats in the State.

But, in the last State campaign, it was hoped by the Democrats that an opportune moment had arrived to make a desperate effort to retrieve the fortunes of their party, and in the last resort to have recourse to the highest judicial tribunal in the State. It was thought that the Republican ardor of the Supreme Court Justices in the interest of Chamberlain as the Gubernatorial candidate had been considerably abated by the recent course of event. My father, Chief Justice Moses, had become violently embittered against Chamberlain, on account of the latter’s action in the matter of my election to the bench; and at a public meeting in Sumter, the place of his residence, a short time before the election, the Chief Justice had openly announced his intention of supporting Hampton as the candidate of his choice. In this he was followed by many other Republicans, and the division in their ranks, which thus became apparent, strengthened the hopes and redoubled the energy of the Democratic element.

With this encouragement to the Democrats, and doubt and uncertainty among the Republicans, the campaign neared its end and finally closed.

Under the law in South Carolina the vote for Presidential electors are forwarded by the county canvassers, immediately after they have counted them, to the Secretary of State, in his own office they are to be kept, under whose official responsibility, until the day arrives for the Board of State Canvassers to open and "determine and ascertain" the votes. Then he turns them over to the board, and there his supervision over them as Secretary of State ceases. During the time they remain in his custody the law contemplates their being kept safe from the approach, touch, or inspection of any one, and although at the close of the last campaign in the State the utmost public excitement prevailed with regard to the safe keeping of the votes, no attempt was made toward violence or invasion of the law. True, the Chairman of the Democratic party made a published proposition to the Secretary of State, Henry E. Hayne, a colored man, to allow a guard of an equal number from each political party to remain around or in the room in the Capitol in which the returns were kept until they were turned over to the Board of State; but their proposal was politely but firmly refused, that he was fully equal to the responsibility of the occasion, and would preserve the inviolability of the ballot boxes in his keeping.

Under the laws, the State Canvassing Board was required to meet in the Secretary of States office within ten days after each state or county election, and then and there to proceed to open the boxes and determine the result of the election. On the occasion of which I speak, these ten days expired on a Tuesday, and it was on the Sunday preceding this Tuesday that the work of altering the returns was affected. On that day, according to the proffered but rejected testimony before the investigating Committee by John B. Dennis, and by others who agree with him in their narration of the facts there assembled in the Secretary of State’s office, with doors barred against all other comers, the following members of the Board of State Canvassers: F. L. CARDOZA, State Treasurer, Henry E. Hayne, Secretary of State, William Stone, Attorney General (law partner of D. T. Corbin) and Thomas C. Dunn, Comptroller General.

This last named man was the head and front of the whole business, and according to the testimony of Dennis and others, who know whereof they speak, he had planned and proposed the nefarious transaction in which they had assembled there to engage. They had with them as co-laborers and councilors in their work Judge Carter of Washington, D. C. who had been making himself very active in consultations with the board and when it was said had been specially sent from Washington to see that the State was counted for Hayes. Judge Settle of North Carolina was also present, lending his valuable aid, and was accompanied by one Judge Dewey, from one of the Western States, who up to that time was entirely unknown in South Carolina.

It must be borne in mind that time and immediately after the close of the campaign, it was generally supposed that the State had gone for Hampton, and probably for Tilden, and it was as generally supposed that the Board of State Canvassers would reverse, or attempt to reverse the decision of the people by throwing out, under the charge of their being illegal, sufficient Democratic vote to alter the result. But it was not thought possible that resort would be had to the most glaring and villainous fraud.

In order to prevent the Returning Board from going behind the returns, and altering and changing the same, their power to do which under the law, the Democrats steadily denied – the latter had applied to the Supreme Court for two separate injunctions against the board, one to restrain them from going before the return in the case of the State and the other to accomplish the same purpose in reference to the Presidential contest. In each case the court had granted preliminary injunctions, copies of which had been served on every member of the board. The counsel of record for the latter were D. T. Corbin, Robert B. Elliott, the negro ex-Congressman, and the Judge Dewey above referred to. But the real power behind the scenes was the Judge Carter from Washington, who kept up constant telegraphic communication with the national authorities in that city. Chamberlain also spent days and nights in earnest consultation with the board and their counsel.

The party of conspirators who had assembled in the office of the Secretary of State proceeded to open and verify the returns and it was found that Tilden had carried the State by over one thousand majority of strictly legal votes.

At once it was determined that such a result must be reversed and to effect this the returns of several Republican counties were tampered with, so as to increase the majorities which they had really given to Hayes and Wheeler. The figuring was done by Hayne, Cardoza, Stone, Dunn, and Carter, and the alteration of the returns was achieved by Dunn alone, who has since been heard to say in Washington – while there was an applicant for the Charleston Collectorship of Customs – that it was his right hand which had saved South Carolina for Hayes, ad that he could prove it by Judge Carter.

A moderately prominent and worthy Republican living in Columbia has in his possession one of the pages of paper on which the figuring was done, all the characters of which, with the names of the counties are in the hand writing F. L. Cardoza, one of the member of the board. The returns from Charleston, Georgetown, and Darlington counties were the ones which were tampered with, and in which sufficient votes were altered to give the State to Hayes.

As soon as the investigating Committee began its sessions in Columbia, Dunn, Hayne, and Stone fled the State, and have never since returned there, although from remarks which have been recently made by some of Dunn’s warmest and most immediate friends, I think he is just now in such a frame of mind (after losing the Charleston Collectorship, to which he thought himself entitled) as to induce him to tell the truth, and to help to cleanse the White House from the presence of a fraudulent usurper.



To the House of Representatives:

After a very careful consideration of House Bill No. 1.093 entitled "An Act authorizing the coinage of the stand silver dollar, and to restore its legal tender character. I feel compelled to return it to the House of Representatives, in which it originated, with my objections to its passage.

Holding the opinion, which I expresses in my annual message, "that neither the interests of the Government nor those of the people of the people of the Untied States, would be promoted by disparaging silver as one of the two precious metals which furnish the coinage of the world; and that legislation which looks to maintaining the volume of intrinsic money to as full a measure as both metals as their relative commercial values will permit would be neither unjust nor inexpedient." it has been my earnest desire to concur with Congress in the adoption of such measures to increase the silver coinage of the country as would not impair the obligation of contracts, either public or private, nor injuriously affect the public credit. It is only upon the conviction that this bill does not meet these essential requirements that I feel it my duty to withhold from it my approval. My present official duty as to the bill permits only an attention the specific to objections to its passage which seems to me so important as to justify me in asking for the wisdom and duty of Congress that further consideration of the bill for which the Constitution has in such cases provided.

The bill provides for the coinage of silver dollars of the weight of $412 ½ grains each, of standard silver, to be a legal tender, at their nominal value, for all debts and dues, public and private, except where otherwise expressly stipulated in the contracts. It is well known that the market value of that number of grains of standard silver during the past year has been from ninety to ninety-two cents, as compared with the stand gold dollar.

Thus the silver dollar authorized by this bill is worth 8 to 10 per cent less than it purports to be worth, and is made a legal tender for debts contracted when the law did not recognize such coins as lawful money. The right to pay duties in silver or in certificates of silver deposits will, when they are issued in sufficient amount to circulate, put an end to the receipt of revenue in gold, and thus compel payment of silver for both the principal and interest of the public debt. Eleven hundred and forty-three million, four hundred and ninety-three thousand, four hundred dollars of the bonded debt now outstanding was issued prior to February 1873, when the silver dollar was unknown in circulation in this country, and was only a convenient form of silver bullion for exportation. Five hundred and eighty three million four hundred and forty thousand, three hundred and fifty dollars of the funded debt has been issued since February 1873; when gold alone was the coin in which both parties to the contract understood that the bonds would be paid. These bonds entered into the markets of the world. They were paid for in gold when silver had greatly depreciated and when no one would have bought them if it had been understood that they would be paid in silver. The sum of $225,000,000 of these bonds has been sold during my administration, for gold coin, and the United States received the benefit of these sales by a reduction of the rate of interest to four per cent. During the progress of these sales a doubt was suggested as to the coin in which payment of these bonds would be made. The public announcement was thereupon authorized that it was not to be anticipated that any further legislation of Congress, or any action of any department of the Government, would sanction or tolerate the redemption of the principal of these bonds, or the payment of the interest thereon, in coin of less value than the coin authorized by law at the time of the issue of the bonds, being the coin exacted by the Government in exchange for the same. In view of these facts, it will be justly regarded as a grave breach of the public faith to undertake to pay these bonds, principal or interest in silver coin in the market less than the coin received for them.

It is said that the silver dollar, made a legal tender by this bill, will under its operation be equivalent in value to the gold dollar. Many supporters of the bill believe this, and would not justify an attempt to pay debts, either public or private, in coin of inferior value to the money of the world. The capital defect of the bill is that it contains no provision protecting from its operation preexisting debts in case the coinage which it creates shall continue to be of less value than that which was the sole legal tender when they were contracted. If it is now proposed, for the purpose of taking advantage of the depreciation of silver in the payment of debts, to coin an d make a legal tender a silver dollar of less commercial value than any dollar, whether of gold or paper, which is now lawful money in this country, such a measure, it will hardly be questioned, will in the judgement of mankind be an act of bad faith. As to all debts heretofore contracted, the silver dollar should be made a legal tender only at its market value. The stand of the value should not be changed without the consent of both parties to the contract. National promised should be kept with unflinching fidelity. There is no power to compel a nation to pay its just debts. Its credit depends on its honor. The nation owed what it has led or allowed its creditors to expect.

I cannot approve a bill, which in my judgement authorizes the violation of sacred obligations. The obligation of the public faith transcends all questions of profit or public advantage. Its unquestionable maintenance is the dictate, as well of the highest expedience as of the most necessary duty, and should ever be carefully guarded by the Executive, by Congress, and by the people.

It is my firm conviction that if the country is to be benefited by a silver coinage, it can be done only by the issue of silver dollars of full value, which will defraud no man. A currency worth less than it purports to be worth will, in the end, defraud not only creditors, but all who are engaged in legitimate business, and none more surely than those who are dependent on their daily labor for their daily bread.


R. B. Hayes, Executive Mansion. Feb 28, 1878.


Tooke began his life with a joke, telling everyone that he was the son of a Turkey merchant; by which name he defined his father trade of poulterer. His ready wit was never at a loss; and it is to him we are indebted for the following well know joke" "Now young man," said an uncle to him one day giving him good advice, "as you are settled in town, I would advise you to take a wife." "With all my heart, sir," replied Tooke, "Whose wife shall I take?"

"Beauty and booty" was the cry of the young man, who kissed the girl and was kicked by her father.


THE PIONEER, Vernon, Alabama. Published Weekly.

SID B. SMITH, M.D. Editor and Proprietor


The Finance Committee of the Senate shows no disposition to act upon the House bill for the repeal of the resumption act, and there the bill will probably rest, so far as the present Senate is concerned.

Mr. Southland, of Ohio, has proposed to the House an amendment to the Constitution, which provides the Execution power shall be vested by three Presidents, constituting a supreme council of three. These Presidents are to be elected by the qualified electors of all the states, and to be taken one from each of the three several prominent sections of the United States known, one as the Eastern and middle States, one as the Western States, and the other as the Southern States. The term of office as proposed is for six years.

On our first page will be found an interesting letter form Franklin J. Moses, ex-Governor (so-called) of South Carolina, explaining the manner in which the electoral vote of that State was changed from a bonafide majority of more than one thousand for Tilden to a like majority for Hayes.

The extraordinary confession is made by one among the most prominent and active Republicans whole ruled and robbed the State of South Carolina for nearly ten years. Since Moses turned states witness in order to escape punishment for his own share of the crimes, he has proved a willing and valuable witness against his former confederates. His intimate acquaintance with the history of the various rascalities of his own term of office and that of Scott and Chamberlain has never been disputed. His last and most important story, which he produces in his letter, is derived from his personal knowledge of the acts of the parties directly concerned, and from the testimony of one of his friends, John B. Dennis, who was present and one of the participants in the great fraud.

The thinking mind of the great masses of the American people honestly believe and are satisfied that the vote of Louisiana and Florida was wrongfully cast for Hayes, but in regard to South Carolina, there has been some doubt. So expert has been the manipulations of the conspirators, that it was believed that this state was voted honestly for Hayes and Hampton.

The House Committee on Banking and Currency, with but two dissenting votes, will report favorably on the Postal Savings Bill.

Dispatches from Hot Springs, Arkansas announce a serious conflagration at that place. Nearly the entire business portion of the town is laid in ashes.

The Auditor of Public Accounts for the State of Virginia, has reported to the committee on finance of the General Assembly, that the finances of that grand old commonwealth is in a deplorable condition. No money is being received for the payment of taxes. All payments being made in coupons, which are at a discount of 30 per cent. He also states that there are but $103 in the treasury; that none can be borrowed; none collected; and that he can run the State government not an hour longer.

Some of our exchanges seem over anxious to have the name of our county – Lamar – again changed. We hoped, in this first instance, that our county would named "RODES" and thereby erect a lasting monument in the midst of his gallant followers to Alabama’s military chieftain, Major General Robert E. Rodes. But now that the change has been made, we hope it may be let alone, or if a change be necessary, that it be left to a vote of the people of this country, that their wishes in the promises be respected and made known at the ballotbox.

Representative Blackburn is understood to have a resolution in readiness for presentation expressing a want of confidence in Secretary Sherman, and requesting his resignation. This is to be based upon a preamble, reciting that Sherman will not properly executed the new silver law. – Register.

Latest advice report that peace in Cuba is a mere chimera. Commerce at a standstill. Taxes high and about equal to the earnings of the people. And more, the main fore of the Cubans still under arms.


Eds. Iron Age: So much is being said through our Democratic newspapers in behalf of the various aspirants for nominations before our approaching State Convention, that I trust I may be pardoned for saying a word in favor of CAPT. J. H. BANKHEAD, of Lamar, whose friends will urge his claims for Secretary of State. I have known CAPT. BANKHEAD intimately for a number of years, and have every reason to believe if nominated and elected he would so discharge the duties of the office as to give entire satisfaction to our people. Born and reared in Alabama and having given some of the best years of his manhood to her defense in the late struggle, and since the close of the war having battled day after day and year after year for the success of the Democratic party, no one can doubt his patriotism or his loyalty to the party.

CAPT. BANKHEAD’S service for years in our Legislature, first as a representative of this county and more recently as a Senator from his district has afforded him an opportunity to acquire the thorough knowledge of State affairs which will enable him if elected to enter at once upon an efficient and intelligent discharge of the duties of the office.

I will only add further that I think it high time the Democratic party was beginning to manifest its appreciation of the loyalty and laborers by selecting for a place upon the ticket one of their representative men – and such is emphatically CAPT. J. H. BANKHEAD. Jefferson.


In addition to the entire list of State officers to be elected next August. Representatives from every county are to be chosen as Senators from the following districts, those not mentioned having Senators whose terms will not expire until 1880:

Second District – Colbert and Lawrence Counties.

Fourth District – Madison County

Sixth District – Cherokee, Etowah and St. Clair

Eighth District – Talladaga and Clay

Tenth District – Franklin, Marion, Fayette and Lamar.

Fourteenth District – Greene and Pickens

Sixteenth District – Lowndes and Autauga

Eighteenth District – Perry

Twentieth District – Marengo

Twenty-second District – Wilcox

Twenty-fourth District – Barbour

Twenty-sixth District – Bullock

Twenty-eighth District – Montgomery

Thirtieth District – Russell

Thirty-second District – Hale.


Complaints come to Washington from the West regarding the scarcity of one and two dollar notes, and that an attempt is made to call them in. The total amount of these notes outstanding is about ten million dollars less than it was a year ago. When the Treasury Department began to put out ten million dollars of subsidiary coin last year, and stopped paying out one and two-dollar notes, the amount of the latter outstanding reached about fifty six million dollars. This was reduced three millions before Secretary Sherman gave orders to pay our small bills again. The amount of these notes outstanding according to the Treasurer books, is $16,800,000 against $56,000,000 one year ago.


In the Congressional Record of the 1st, we find the able speech of Senator Morgan favoring a special term of the U. S. Circuit Court at Sernaton, Miss. The committee reported that they have the same under consideration, and recommend that the same do not pass. The Circuit of the United States for the Southern District of Mississippi is now provided by law to be held twice in each year, at the city of Jackson. The place where the bill in question proposes to provide for a special term is the county seat of the south-eastern county of the State. The county is comparatively sparsely populated, and it is in county, and in the adjacent part of Alabama, chiefly that the controversies concerning lumber, logs, charcoal and turpentine between the United States and persons of that region have arisen. It was in opposition to the report that the speech, covering several pages of the Record was made. The matter was not disposed of.

HON. R. F. LIGON made an exhaustive effort in favor of the passage of the silver bill, on the 26th, which was highly commended on the floor and by many Western exchanges. HON. JERE. N. WILLIAMS and HON. G. W. HEWIN addressed the House on the 28th, in favor of pensioning the soldiers of the Mexican and Creek wars, and HON H. A. HORTON made a masterly effort in favor of the Committee’s scheme of electing President and Vice President.


In another place we allude to the first Legislature of Alabama the Senate was composed of one member only. The Lower House consisted of ten members. This Legislative body met in the village of St. Stephens, in Washington County, on the 13th of January 1818. James Titus, the Senator, was from Madison County, and was of course, the President of the Senate, and passes or rejected bills from the House, signing as President those that were passed by both Houses. Gabriel Moore, also of Madison, was the Speaker of the House. The counties represented were Baldwin, Clark, Madison, Monroe, Mobile, Montgomery, and Washington.


The act remonetizing the silver dollar is a law, the President’s objections to the contrary, notwithstanding. In two hours and fifteen minutes from the announcement of the veto in the House, it has passed both Houses by a two-thirds vote and been proclaimed a law by the President of the Senate. There was no debate. The message was not even ordered printed.

The law will disappoint its friends and enemies. It was rightly and wisely passed. It corrects a great wrong and restores the money of the county to a solid basis. It will increase the circulation to the extent of the coinage under it. But silver dollars will not grow upon trees, as apparently some have supposed, nor will they be gathered up with great trouble and expense and paid out by the ton to the bondholders.

Silver is the poor man’s money, and it will be absorbed in the small affairs of business; but it will find its way only to the pockets of those who have something to give in return for it. The new money is not a debased, and it will not be a depreciated coin. It will be at par with gold, worth as much as gold, with all the money quality of gold. It will not fill the place of gold where large sums are to be paid, and gold will not fill its place where small sums are to change hands. As money, the two metals supplement each other, each answering the purpose for which the others not well suited. Only a bimetallic standard is a perfect standard.

The passage of this bill ends the era of contraction, the fruitful spring of unnumbered woes. It provides for no sudden inflation, but for a gradual expansion, the effects of which will be ----perceptible from day to day, but which will give in time renewed vigor and new life to the business of the country. It is not a stimulant but a tonic and slowly and surely it will restore the financial system, doctored almost to death by quacks and predoers, to health and strength. It will neither be as popular six months hence as today, nor have as decided opponents, but in five years there will be none to doubt its wisdom of question its results.


The hum of the spindle is now to be heard at The Mobile Cotton Mills – a welcome sound to the city. Some of its yarns have already been exhibited on the market and pronounced to be excellent in quality and superior in finish. A few weeks will have to be consumed in overcoming the disadvantage of inexperienced labor, before the machinery will be under full headway, when visitors will be welcome to the premises. The company makes no pretensions to magnitude but the institution has great value in acing as an educator and diversifier to a new industry in our midst, a nucleus that will doubtless expand into large proportion. The building presents a very pretty appearance, and reflects credit upon the management. The Superintendent, Mr. Ross, is an expert at the business, and is sanguine of its success. –



The enormous number of 2,470,000 hogs has been cut up in Chicago during the four months ending with February, which embraces what is usually called the packing season. The exceeds by about 500,000 head the total number cut in Cincinnati, St. Louis, Louisville, Indianapolis, and Milwaukee. The aggregate for the past twelve months next proceeding.


The improved Remington Sewing Machine. (can’t read the rest)


State of Alabama, Lamar County

Probate Court, Special Term, Feb. 26th, 1878

In the matter of the estate of CYNTHIA THOMPSON, late of said county, deceased, this day came JOHN H. BANKHEAD, executor of said estate, and filed his amount and vouchers in final settlement of the same, whereupon it is ordered by the court that the 18th day of March next, be and is hereby appointed a day for the making such settlements when and where all parties interested can come forward an contest the same if they think proper.

ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate


JOHN B. GILLMORE. Blacksmithing and woodwork. Vernon, Ala. Having employed two experienced blacksmiths, BEN BARLOW AND WASH BONMAN for the ensuing year, I am prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing, wood work horse-shoeing mending and repairing etc. in first-class order and with dispatch.


The undersigned, desirous of closing out his business in this section offers for private sale the property known as the "MOSCOW FLOURING MILLS" These Mills have a good run of patronage, a good healthy situation, and every convenience for grinding and wool carding. A number one Fin Head and Cotton Press together with 64 acres of good farming lands. Good terms. Easy payments. Apply early to T. G. CANSLER, Moscow, Ala.


Letter of administration, on the estate of JAMES SIMMS, deceased late of Lamar County, having been granted to me on the 14th day of Feb 1878, by the Probate Court of Lamar County. Persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same within the time required by law or they will be barred.



R. C. MCLESTER, T. N. HAYES, J. A. MCLESTER. MCCLESTER, HAYS, & CO., Cotton buyers and dealers in groceries, boots and shoes, hats, dry goods and general merchandise. Northport, Alabama.


The Old Reliable! Has now in stock the largest assortment of General Merchandise ever brought to this market. Dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, glassware, crockery, hardware, tin ware, drugs, medicines, etc. In fact, everything the people want from Calomel to Zozodont. I am taking State Obligations at par. Hereafter I sell for Cash or Credit. Parties indebted to me must come forward immediately and settle; else I must go to see them. A. A. SUMMERS


LITTLE, WILKINSON & CO., Late Haregrove, Little, & Co. Wholesale Grocers, 48, 50, and 52 North Commerce St., Mobile, Alabama.


LIVE OAK SALOON. JOHN T. BURROW & Co., Prop’r. Vernon, Alabama. Have in stock and will keep on hand a full assortment of whiskies, brandies, and wines, form the purest and best to cheapest grades. Tobaccos – chewing and smoking – cigars, snuts, etc. etc. While "warming up" the inner man, we will also keep on hand a full assortment of substantial such as: oysters, sardines, crackers, etc. MR. L. S. CASH will be behind the counter and will attend to the wants of his many friends upon strictly CASH terms.


R. A. HONEA & SON Wholesale and retail grocers. Aberdeen, Miss. Have on hand and are constantly receiving the largest and best assortment of Family and Fancy Groceries ever brought to this market.


HYDE, SHATTUCK & CO. Manufacturers of Breech Loading Shot Gun, Revolvers and Pistols, gun implements. Extra heavy guns for long ranges a specialty. Cut this out and send for Catalogue and price list, enclosing 3-cent stamp. Hatfields, Hampshire Co, Mass.


Are you going to paint? Then use Miller Bro. Chemical Paint. Ready for use in white and over one hundred different colors made of strictly pure white lead, zinc and linseed oil chemically combined warranted much Handsomer and cheaper and to last twice as long as any other paint. It has taken the first premium at twenty of the state fairs of the Union and is on many thousand of the fine houses of the country. Address. Miller Brothers, 22, 31, & 33 St. Clair Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Sample cards sent free.


The Vernon Pioneer. Terms $1.50 Per Annum.


THE PIONEER, Vernon, Wednesday March 13, 1877 (should be 1878)

Terms of Subscription

One copy one year $1.50

One copy six months 1.00

All subscriptions payable in advance

Rates of Advertising

One inch, one insertion $1.00

One inch, each subsequent insertions .50

One inch, twelve months 10.00

One inch, six months 7.00

One inch, three months 5.00

Two inches, twelve months 15.00

Two inches, six months 10.00

Two inches, three months 7.00

Quarter Column 12 months 35.00

Half Column, 12 months 60.00

One column, 12 months 100.00

One column, 3 months 35.00

One column, 6 months 60.00

Professional Cards $10.00

Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates.

Advertisements collectable after first insertion

Local notices, 20 cents per line.

Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten line, charged advertising rates.


County Court meets on the 1st Monday in each month.

Probate Court meets on 2nd Monday in each month.

Commissioner’s Court Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, May, August, and November.




ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate

D. J. LACEY – Sheriff

W. G. MIDDLETON– Circuit Clerk

JAMES M. MORTON – Register in Chancery

D. V. LAWRENCE – Treasurer

J. E. PENNINGTON – Tax Assessor

G. W. WOODS – Tax Collector

W. T. MARLER – Coroner




Masonic: Vernon Lodge, No. 389, meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 10 a.m.

I.O.O.F: Moscow Lodge, No. 45, meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays in each month, at 7 p.m.


VALEDICTION. By mutual agreement I retire from The Pioneer with this issue, both as Publisher and Local Editor. I extend my hearty thanks to my many friends throughout the county for the many kind courtesies they have conferred upon me, and I hope that they will always continue to read The Pioneer and be happy. D. R. ALDRIDGE

Warm, cloudy, windy, and rainy. Squally times last Saturday night.

Destroyed by fire – the front end of JOHN GILMORE’S wagonbed.

You may counterfeit a blue badge, but you can’t a red nose.

PROF. E. J. SHAY will commence a school in the lower end of this county in June next.

The Burlington Hawkeye sailed around and took a peep at us last week, but we escaped from being carried away in its talons.

The High School boys performed some interesting feats by climbing the pillars in front of the courthouse last Saturday evening.

COL. BROWN informs us that the farmers of the northern portion of Lamar are building fences, rolling logs, clearing, plowing, etc., in general.

What is it that perches about on logs, fences, etc.? Hawks? No. Pigeons? No. Let me see – ah, what’ the name, its something black – well, at any rate our wood-pile was covered with them on last Saturday evening.

We always knew that we carried the dullest pocket knife in the world, but when we borrowed Ruby’s the other night we were convinced that we didn’t know everything.

We are in receipt of a copy of the Burlington Hawkeye, published at Burlington, Iowa. The Hawkeye is the best of its kind we have yet seen. It is "chock" full of humor, wit and wisdom. Besides it views on the topics of the day are the best and highest order. The price of the Hawkeye is $2 per year, including a handsome map of the States of Iowa, Missouri and Illinois, and portions of Wisconsin, Kansas and Nebraska. Address Burlington Hawkeye Publishing Company, Burlington, Iowa.

The Murphyres. Friday Night, 8th inst. PROF. GILLIAM in the chair – gave a short talk. MR. RAMSEY made an eloquent speech. MR. SHIELDS expressed his views on temperance in quite an intelligent manner. Some vocalists fill the hall with music.


Parties went round to their friends with cards and badges and eighteen more went away decorated with blue. Total 64.

Monday Night, 11th Inst.

CAPT. MCCLUSKY in the chair – delivered the opening oration. MR. G. W. RUSH announced himself in favor of the cause – MR. RAMSEY followed suit. MR. EARNEST declared himself for temperance.


MESSRS. ALONZO GUIN AND GREEN MIDDLETON appointed to carry cards around. MISS ES LIZZIESHELL GILLIHAM AND HATTIE COBB to carry badges – 8 was the result – total 72 – adjourned till next Friday night.


The beautiful spring is coming when the woods will be full of green and tender buds and the yards and gardens full of sweet and fragrant flowers. The beautiful geese will warble their sweet melodies from the neighboring hilltops, and the shrill notes of the cock may be heard echoing through the leafy dales, while the turtle dove will be heard chanting her soft and melodious strains at evening tide. The red bird will sing sweet soul-stirring lays to its mate at early morn, the hawk will carol away the sunny hours at noon. The crow will rouse us from our drowsy slumber at the break of day piping its plaintive songs in the meadows. And all will be lovely and gentle with joy, and lovely maidens will cheer and raise the drooping spirits of their love lads by sending them fragrant bouquets made of roses, honeysuckles, dog-fennel, etc.


NARROW ESCAPE OF MR. E. W. LAWRENCE AND WIFE FROM BEING BURNED TO DEATH. – Full account of the terrible calamity.

On last Friday morning one of the most painful accidents occurred that we have had to chronicle in a long time, in which MR. NED LAWRENCE and his most estimable lady would have been burned to death but for the kind interposition of Providence.

Some one had informed Mrs. Lawrence that coal oil was good for burning out chimneys, and acting upon the information, she, Friday morning tried the experiment. Taking a gallon can that was about half full of the fluid, she commenced pouring it upon the hot coals, when, as will be readily supposed a terrible explosion occurred, scattering the burning oil all over the room, and completely enveloping Mrs. Lawrence in flames. She then started to run and had got as far as the steps leading from the room, when her husband caught her and commenced tearing the burning garments from around her. Water was thrown over her, but of course, did no good. Mr. Ramsey, a member of the Vernon bar, and who is boarding at Mr. Lawrence’s happened to be in an adjoining room and hearing the explosion, opened the door of the apartment, when he soon divined the cause of the loud report which took place when the can of oil burst. With great presence of mind and forethought, Mr. Ramsey gathered up some bed quilts and started to run out the door, when he stumbled and fell over a bucket that was setting in the way. By this time Mrs. Lawrence had made her way nearly to the front corner of the house, her husband all this time fighting the flames with all his might and main. Gathering himself up as soon as possible, Mr. Ramsey made his way to them, and with an almost superhuman effort succeeded in wrapping the bed clothes around Mrs. Lawrence, thereby extinguishing the flames. No sooner had the fire been put out, than she fell in a fainting fit to the ground.

By the time your reporter reached the spot, several persons and the doctor had arrived. Mrs. Lawrence had been put to bed, and under the influence of stimulants seemed to be resting as easy as could be expected. She was burned fearfully in several places, and from the time of the accident up till Sunday morning hovered between life and death, when she rested a great deal easier. It is more than likely that Mrs. Lawrence will recover but time alone will tell. In another room we found Mr. Lawrence. In his endeavors to put out the maddening flames, he had burned his hands in a terribly shocking manner from which he suffered mightily. But the pain caused by his burns was nothing compared with the excruciating agony he underwent on account of the terrible ordeal in which his wife was placed. He was incessantly asking about her, and Sunday morning when he found that she was in a much improved condition, he seemed to liven up greatly.

Under the medical care of that excellent physician Dr. M. Morton, and the kind attention of friends, it is to be hoped that Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence will recover as soon as possible.

The children and relatives in this their and bereavement have our heartfelt sympathy as well as those of the whole community.


This is to give notice that I will make an application to the Honorable Probate Court of Lamar County, State of Alabama, on the 1st Monday (the 1st day) in April next for a decree of sale against the following described lots and lands for the Charges and taxes due thereon, and an order to sell said lots and land for the satisfaction thereof, and that on the first Monday in May next after the holding of said Court, and from day to day and from time to time thereafter, as now provided by law, I will sell all the lands and lots, for the sale of which a --- shall be rendered at public auction at the front door of the Court House for the amount of said taxes and charges due thereon. The said lots and land on which taxes and charges are due, with the name of owners and the amount due from each thereon are as follows:

(land and amount descriptions follow. Names include J. R. MULLAN, GEO. A. RAMSEY, JAMES W. SYKES, J. D. MCCLUSKY, R. F. TERRY, W. A. CAROUTH, W. N. DILL, W. L. WALTON, JOHN ANTHONY, WRIGHT KENNEDY & CO., J. M. RAY, ESTATE OF D. J. SWAIN, ESTATE OF THOS. W. YATES, A. J. CARTER, W. D. WALLACE, D. U. GUYTON, MRS. P. WHITE (the n w of s w ¼ and 15 acres in s w of a s w qtr. sec 7 and the n e of s e qtr and 15 acres in a part of s e of s e ¼ sec 12, T 13, R 15. Tax and cost $5.85.)

G. W. WOODS, Tax Collector


NATHAN BROS, Importers and wholesale dealers in old bourbon and rye whiskies, wines, liquors, cigars, tobacco and pipes. Columbus and Aberdeen, Miss. N.B. Merchants desiring their shipments from the West can have their orders filled at our Cincinnati House.


S. C. MUNGER. 89 Market Street, Columbus, Mississippi. "Headquarters of East Mississippi and West Alabama for "The Old Reliable" Milburn Wagon. Has on hand a full stock of carriages, buggies, hacks, road and spring wagons, &c. &c. Also, a complete stock of saddles, bridles, harnesses, whips, collars, hams, trace chains, back bands, &c, &c. Call and examine my stock and see for yourself that I will sell cheaper than you ever bought such goods in Columbus. All work warranted.



The following is a list of the Grand Jury and Petit Jurors, for the Lamar County Circuit court, Spring Term 1878, commencing on Monday March the 18th next:




W. W. MADDOX Lawrence Beat



WILLIAM WEBB Henson Springs

D. M. RIGGINS Millville

GEO. E. BROWN Moscow

T. M. WOODS Moscow




R. W. WOOTEN Vails

G. B. GOOLSLEY Millport



J. C. JOHNSTON Strickland

D. J. GUTHRIE Pine Springs

All farmers









MOSCOW JMS. A ARMSTRONG and --------, and J. SMITH



MILLPORT W. W. PROPST and R.S .-----




29 farmers and one soap man


Letter of administration on the estate of WILLIAM B. HAWKINS, deceased late of Lamar County, having been granted to me on the 18th day of Feb. 1878 by the Probate Court of Lamar County all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same within the time required by law or they will be barred. G. S. EARNEST, Admr.


Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having received from an East India missionary the formula for a simple vegetable remedy for speedy and permanent cure of consumption, bronchitis, and protracted lung aberrations; also a cure for various -----(can’t read the rest)


C. T. GIFFORD, dealer in watches, clocks, spectacles, silver plated ware jewelry, &c. Watches, clocks, &c. repaired in the best manner and warranted. 18-carat gold engagement and wedding rings from $4.50 to $11. Call and see my stock. Sign of the Golden Eagle, No. 105 Commerce Street, Aberdeen, Mississippi.


Query: "Why will men smoke common tobacco, when they can buy Marburg Bros "Seal of North Carolina" at the same price?"


Vick’s Flower and Vegetable Seeds are planted by a million people in America. See Vick’s catalogue – 300 illustrations. only 2 cents. Vick’s Illustrated Monthly magazine. 32 pages and illustrations and colored plates in each number. Price $1.25 a year. Five copies flr $5.00. Vick’s Flower Garden 50 cents in paper covers; with elegant cloth covers $1.00. All my publications are printed in English and German. Address, James Vick, Rochester, N. Y.


Art of Propagation is a highly illustrated practical work on the rapid increase and multiplication of stock. Published by Jenkins’s Grape and Seedling Nursery, Winoma, Columbia Co, Ohio. Price prepaid by mail, 50 cts. Catalogue free. Agents wanted. Address as above.


Welded Steel and Iron Triple Flange Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. Patent inside bolt work and hinged cap. No safe complete without it. W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 34 Maiden Lane. Near William St. New York


Make home happy. A plentiful supply of Good reading and beautiful pictures will do it. The Cincinnati Weekly Star. A fine eight page paper, with 48 full columns, cost only $1.00 per year (we pay postage). And is the largest, brightest, and best paper published for the money. It is independent in politics, gives all the news, and bespies much other good reading, every number has three or four excellent original or selected stories. Every subscriber also receives a copy of the beautiful engraving, "The Poor, the Poor Man’s friend" size 21 x 33 inches, and a copy of the Star Illustrated Almanac. 25 cents extra must be sent to pay expense of packing and mailing premiums. Our inducements to agents, always the most liberal in the field, are now greater than ever. We want every club agent in the country to communicate with us before commencing work. To any person desiring to get up a club, we will send a sample copy of the picture and a canvasser’s outfit for 25 cents. Specimen copy of paper free. Send for one before subscribing for any other. The Star, though in no sense a party paper has always been a vigorous advocate of the rights of all the States, and was among the first to urge the justice of local government in the South. Persons to whom we have already sent the picture. The Poor, the Poor man’s Friend; by saying so can have in its stead another excellent engraving, of same size, which we have secured for this purpose. Paper without picture, One dollar. The Star. 230 Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. Make home pleasant


LEROY BREWER, THOS. DUGAN, H. L. HOPPER, C. A. HARRIS – L. BREWER & CO., Wholesale grocers. Dealers in Northern and Western Goods. Retailers and dealers in domestic and imported wines and liquors. Also Cotton Factors and Commission merchants. Agents for Orange Powder Works, Pratt’s Radiant & Astral Oil, California Gold Seal Wine. N. Schaeffer’s Lard and Candles, S. Davis Jr. & Co. Diamond Hams, Blackwell’s Durbam Smok’g Tobacco. Corner of Commerce and St. Louis Streets, Mobile, Ala.


Thorough-bred Hogs & Poultry. I have a few very choice pair of pure-bred chickens for sale, viz: Light and Dark Brahmas, Buff and Partridge Cochins, White and Brown Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks, Grey Dorkings, Houdans, Golden Polish and Black Spanish from the "best strains" in the country – Snow White rabbits and guinea pigs. Also breeder of Berkshire Pigs. From imported stock. Prices reasonable. Correspondence solicited. Address W. T. Johns, Nashville, Tenn.



The Trustees of the Vernon High School take pleasure in announcing that they have made an arrangement with Rev. W. B. GILLHAM to take charge of their Institution for the ensuing school year – to commence on the 1st Monday in November. Mr. Gillham’s long and successful experience as educator of the youth of both sexes warrant us in giving him our highest endorsement and soliciting for our School a liberal patronage. In view of the great stringency in money matters, a reduction has been made from the usual rates of tuition for the present year. We propose for the present year to have a first class English School, and when the patronage will justify, to add a teacher of ancient and perhaps modern languages. Our school will be divided into the following grades and rates per session of 5 months.


Alphabetical lessons, Spelling, First lessons in Reading, First lessons in Geography and Mathematical Tables. $7.50


Written or Practical Arithmetic, Eng. Grammar, Descriptive Geography, Orthography, Reading, Penmanship, First lessons in English Composition and History of the United States. $12.50


Algebra, Geometry, natural Philosophy, Intellectual Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Astronomy, English Composition, Rhetoric, Rhetorical Reading, English Grammar completed, Logic and Universal History. $17.50

All tuition fees due on the admission of the pupil, and the payments to be made punctually each quarter (ten weeks) except the first, which must be made by the 25th of December. No pupil will be admitted for a less time than the remainder of the session for which he enters, except by special notice at the time of admission. Board including fires, lights, and lodging from eight to ten dollars per month.


Music on Piano, per month $4.00

Use of Instrument per month 1.00

Vocal Music (science of per mo.) 3.00

A contingent fee of 50 cents will be charged each pupil for the purpose of keeping up fires, etc. For further particulars apply to: Trustees: J. D. MCCLUSKEY, ARTY A. SUMMERS, T. W. SPRINGFIELD, JASON GUIN, M. W. MORTON


MUD CREEK ACADEMY. Male and Female. Lamar County Alabama (fifteen miles south of Vernon). The first Session of this Institution will open on the First Monday in October 1877, and continue eight scholastic months. The number of students is limited to 30. Board, including washing, lights, etc. from $7 to $8 per month. Tuition $1 ½, $2, $2 ½, and $3 per month of 20 days. For particulars address the Principal. J. M. I. GUYTON, Co., Sup’t Ed. Vernon, Lamar Co. Ala.


$2500 a year. Advice, energetic agents wanted on our Grand Combination Prospectus for 150 Distinct Publications and 100 styles of Bibles and Testaments. Representing Agricultural , Biographical, Historical, Religions and Miscellaneous works of universal inter. A novel feature in canvassing! Sales made from this Prospectus when all single books fail. It contains something to suit every taste and fancy. We are also offering special inducements on our Premium Family Bibles. English and German. Protestant and Catholic. Awarded Superiority over all others for their invaluable aids and superb binding at the Grand Centennial Exposition 1876. Also General and local agents wanted on our the most comprehensive, reliable, and accurate history of the great contest between the Russian and the Turk. With its 800 elegant engravings maps, and plans the most showy desirable and useful book now published. Liberal terms. Particulars free. Address Jon Potter & co. Publishers. Philadelphia.


JOHN S. WHITE, of Lamar County, Alabama with Hudson, Humphries & Hudson, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps, &c. South East Corner Main and Market Streets, Columbus, Mississippi.


State of Alabama, Lamar County

Probate Court, Special Term, Feb 11, 1878

In the matter of the estate of JAMES METCALFE, late of said county, deceased, this day came SARAH E. HENSON, administratrix to the estate of H. T. HENSON, deceased, and filed her account and vouchers of said H. T. HENSON, as administrate de bonta ------said estate of JAMES METCALFE in final settlement of said H. T. HENSON administrator of said JAMES METCALFE, deceased, when it is ordered by the Court that the 18thd day of March next be a day set for passing upon said amount when all parties interest can contest the same if they see proper.

ALEX. COBB, judge of Probate


THE PIONEER, Vernon, Ala. Published Weekly.

SID B. SMITH, M.D. , Editor and Proprietor

Wednesday March 13, 1878


Revolver Free Seven shot Revolver with box and cartridges. Address J. Bron & Son, 133 & 138 Wood St. Philadelphia, Pa.


Skin Diseases. Prof. Hera’s Treatise on Skin Diseases, giving symptoms and sure cure. Send free to afflicted. Address F. S. Webster. 50 N. 5th St. Philadelphia, Pa.


Temperance Reform and its great Reformers By Rev. W. H. Daniels, AM. Profusely illustrated with portraits and sketches and containing over 600 pages. A whole temperance library in a single volume. Agents wanted Everywhere. Address for extra forms and circulars, Nelson & Philips, 805 Broadway, New York.




EPILEPSY CURED. Dr. Green’s Fit Cure will stop the worst case of fits from the first day’s use. It has done so in hundreds of cases. It never fails. The most wonderful medicine ever prepared. Only $2 pet bottle, holding nearly a pint. Send at once for it and full particulars. All letters promptly answered. Drs. Green, Lindley, & Bently, Charlette N. C.


Pianos.. Retail price $900 only $250. Parlor organs, price $375 only $195. Paper free. D. F. Beaty, Washington, N. J.


Marsden’s Pectoral Balm. The great remedy for coughs, colds, and consumption. Finlay & Thompson, New Orleans, La. Sole Agents. For sale by all druggist.


Gould’s Manufacturing Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of Force and Lift Pumps for cisterns, wells, railroads, steamboats, windmills, etc. Fire engines, hydraulic rams, amalgam bells for churches, schools, and plantations. Corn-shellers, sinks, etc. Pumps and materials for driven wells a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Catalogues furnished upon application. Inquire for Gould’s Pumps. Factory, Seneca, New York. Warehouse, 15 Park Place, New York City.


Dr. Hall’s Electric Belts. For the cure of all nerve diseases, without the less derangement of the patient’s habits or daily occupation. This appliance exacts powerful and beneficial influence throughout the whole frame is applicable to either sex, and afford instantaneous relief in the following diseases: Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Lumbago, General Deidilty, Headaches, Dizziness, Impotency, Spermatorrthea, Sexual Exhaustion, Self Abuse, Premature Decay. These belts are the result of the most profound research and experiment in Electrical ---- which permeates the whole frame, and ----- the suffering parts with its---influence. This current assimilates ---- to the Nervous fluid than anything known to Medical Science – hence its ----a s a curative agent. Most especially is the application of Electricity in this form, beneficial to those disorders arising from youthful indiscretion, sexual excess or kissipations (sic) of any kind, whereby the procreative powers are lessened and impotency threatened. No false delicacy or sense of shame should preserve the sufferer, subject to sleepless nights, nightmares, dreams palpitations, of the heart, neuralgia, dimness of sight and other symptoms of nervous debility, applying to the undersigned to the undersigned for relief. These Belts are light, perfectly flexible, and easily adjusted, all of which, together with their cheapness, renders them superior to any other form for the application of Electricity, medicinally. 50,117 of these belts were sold in Europe in the year 1876. Electricity is Life. And no remedy can be compared to it for the treatment of Impotence and loss of nervous vitality. This Belt is recommended by the most eminent physiologist of this country and Europe. Ingenious, wonderful – d death blow to the old system of drugging – London, Eng. I cheerfully recommend Dr. Hall’s Electric Belt and consider it one of the greatest blessings to mankind that has been put before the public. Dr. De Barr – Paris. ….Dr. James Hall & Co., 219 West 30th Street, New York.


A Great offer for Holidays. We will during these hard times and the holidays dispose of 100 New pianos and organs of first class makers at lower prices for cash, or installments, than ever before offered. Waters Pianos & Organs are the best made, warranted for 5 years. Ill. Catalogs mailed. Great inducements to the trade Pianos – 7 octaves, $140.; 7 ½ Octaves, $150, Organs, 2 stops $48, 4 stops $53, 7 stops $55,,, In perfect order, not used in a year. Sheet music at half price. Horace Waters & Sons, Manufacturers and Dealers, 40 East 14th Street, New York.


GILMER HOUSE – A. M. KING, Prop’r. The only first class hotel in the city.


W. T. COOPER of Lamar County, Alabama with H. C. GOODRICH, Dealer in all kinds of stoves, tables, tin and woodenware, china, glass, and crockery ware. Will sell cheaper than any house in the city. Mr. Cooper will be glad to have his friends to call on him at No. 59, Main Street, Columbus, Mississippi.


Healthful, practical. A family friend. The light running DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE. Double thread, lock stitch. Automatic self-adjusting tension and take-up. Conical steel bearings and compensating journal. It does not fatigue. It does not make you nervous. Light running, noiseless. None run it but to love it. None know it but to praise. The Domestic is the most desirable and efficient machine made for these reasons: It is made of the choicest materials and by the best workmen. It is the simplest in construction and most reliable in its notion. It requires almost no adjusting, and yet does every variety of work. It is noiseless, rapid, and will outwear any other machine. It is the easiest running of machines, and saves muscle and nerves which are more valuable than money. It has never failed to give perfect satisfaction. Every machine warranted. Physicians recommend it for its light-running and noiseless qualities. Send for a copy of "How to Choose a Sewing Machine". Domestic Sewing Machine Co. New York. "Domestic" Paper Fashions. The most stylish and best fitting, in endless variety. Send 5 cents for large illustrated catalogue of 1000 styles. Domestic Monthly. An instructive and entertaining illustrated magazine of fashion, polite literature, and art. $1.50 a year, with premium. Specimen copy, 15 cents. Domestic Sewing Machine Co, Home office. Broadway and 14th St., New York


$200,000. Greatest. In order to clear out our stock of very superior Gold-plated Jewelry valued at over $200,000. We will send as below, 20 pieces, all warranted gold-plated, for $1.00. 1 pair gold stone sleeve buttons. 1 pair engraved sleeve buttons. 1 set pointed studs, 1 set amethyst studs, 1 wedding ring……..Take your choice. The entire lot of 20 pieces sent post paid for $1.00 or any 8 pieces you choose for 50 cents. Now is the time to make money. These can easily be retailed at $10.00. F. Stockman, 27 Bond Street, N. Y.


Graff’s Improved Potash or lye is the best family soap maker. Warranted as Represented! Ask your grocer for it! Dept 104 Reade Street, New York.


$7.50 Saved. Buy the improved Victor Sewing Machine. It is so simple in construction and runs so easily that a child can operate it. It has the straight, self-settling needle, our improved shuttle, with a perfect tension, which does not change as the bobbin becomes exhausted. All the wearing points are adjustable, and it combines every desirable improvement. Every machine is sent our ready for use, after being thoroughly tested. Notwithstanding the great reduction in prices we continue to use the best material and exercise the greatest care in the manufacture. Victor Sewing Machine Co. Principal Office Middleton, Conn.


ORIGINAL GOODYEAR’S RUBBER GOODS – Vulcanized rubber in every conceivable form. Adapted to Universal use. Any article under four pounds weight can be sent by mail. Wind and Water Proof garments a specialty. Our cloth surface coat combines two garments in one. For stormy weather it is a neat and tidy overcoat. By a peculiar process the rubber is put between the two cloth surfaces, which prevents smelling or sticking even in the hottest climates. They are made in three colors – Blue, Black, and Brown. Are light, portable, strong, and durable. We are now offering them at the extremely low price of $10 each. Sent post paid to any address upon receipt of price. When ordering, state size around chest, over vest. Reliable parties desiring to see our goods, can send for Trade Journal giving description of our leading articles. Be sure and get the "Original Goodyear’s Steam Vulcanized" fabrics. Send for illustrated price-list of our celebrated Pocket Gymnasium. Address carefully, Goodyear’s Rubber Curler Co. 697 Broadway, P. O. Box 5156, New York City.


W. KELLERMAN. Manufacturer and dealer in guns, rifles, pistols. Aberdeen, Miss. Breech-loaders a specialty. Muzzle-loaders converted into breech-loaders, at short notice and low figures. Repairing done neatly and with dispatch. All work guaranteed.


Errors of Youth. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will for the sake of suffering humility, send free to all who read it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience can do so by addressing in perfect condition. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St. New York.


The New American Sewing Machine. Simplest & Best. Agents Wanted. No. 177 W 4th St. Cincinnati, O.


P. X. SMITH, Manufacturers and dealer in guns, rifles, pistols. Caledonia, Miss. Chicken gaffs made to order. Gun and lock repairing done at short notice and at low figures. Second hand guns, pistols and country produce taken in exchange. all work warranted.


JOHN P. ECKFORD. Is still at his old place (next door to DAN RICHARDS) and sells Whisky, Tobacco, &c. at rates to give satisfaction to all. He invites his Friends to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere.


New Cash Store! LOUIS ROY Dealer in Dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, clothing, hats, caps, &c. 69 Commerce Street. Aberdeen, Miss. J. H. TYRONE is with this house and will be glad to see his Alabama friends.


The Southern Argus. An Agricultural, Political, News, and Literary paper, a fearless home rule and white rule organ, is devoted to the promotion of Southern interests in general, and Alabama interests in particular, and to these ends is independent of rings, cliques and combinations of all kinds, holding men as nothing, but looking lonely to the general good through honest policy. Bright, live, newsy and fresh, it is the paper for the farm and the fireside, the home and the family circle. It is the journal of the people, not of the politicians – an organ of the toiling masses – a fearless and vigilant critic of the office holders. It is admittedly one of the best papers in the South, and is also the cheapest. Single copies to any address, postage paid by the publisher, $1.50 a year, five copies, one year, $5.00; ten copies, ordered at one time, sent to the same or to different post offices, for $10 and an extra copy for the person making the club. Address. ROB’T MCKEE, Selma, Ala.


DR. J. D. RUSH- with M. W. HATCH, Dealer in drugs, medicines, and chemicals, paints, oils, varnishes, &c. Pure wines and liquors for medicinal use. Also – fine linens of tobacco, cigars, dye stuffs generally. Medicines genuine, and of the best quality. Cor. Main and Market Streets, Columbus, Miss.


GOLD – Great chance to make money. If you can’t get gold you can get greenbacks. We need a person in every town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and best illustrated family publication in the world. Any one can become a successful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent reports making over $150 a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All agents make money fast. You can devote your time to the business or only spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full particulars free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. No one who engages fails making great pay. Address "The People’s Journal" Portland, Maine.


Fifty Cents! Fifty cents will pay for the Chicago Ledger, the best story paper in the United States from July 1st 1877 to January 1st, 1878. The Ledger is a large 48 column weekly paper handsomely printed and ably edited. Send your orders in time to get the first number of the New Story, which begins the last week in June. Remember, only fifty cents for the best paper in the United States, six months, postage paid. Address The Ledger, Chicago, Ill.


W. H. CLOPTON & SON, Wholesale and retail Grocers and dealers in family supplies. 78 Commerce Street, Aberdeen, Miss. We keep the largest and best stock on market and sell at bottom prices for cash.


Perfection attained at Last. A trial will insure its popularity everywhere. WHITE SUTTLE SEWING MACHINE……White Sewing Machine Co, 358 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, O. Agents Wanted.


Heed the Words of Advice. Tutt’s Pills. Cure sick headache. Require no change of diet. Are purely vegetable. Never gripe or nauseate. is not continued to this country, but extends to all parts of the world. A clear head, elastic limbs, good digestion, sound sleep, buoyant spirits, fine appetite are some of the results of the use of Tutt’s Pills. 18 Murray Street. New York. DR. TUTT’S EXPECTORANT is the best genial balsam ever used by sufferers from pulmonary diseases. It is composed of herbal products, which have a specific effect on the throat and lungs; detaches from their cells and irritating matter; causes it to be expectorated, and at once checks the inflammation which produces the cough. A single dose relives the most distressing, soothes nervousness, and enables the sufferer to enjoy quiet rest at night. Being a pleasant cordial, it tones the weak stomach, and is specially recommended for children. What others say about Tutt’s Expectorant. Had Asthma Thirty years……TUTT’S PILLS ….. TUTT’S HAIR DYE indorsed.



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